Friday, January 29, 2010

2 week countdown

With a little less than 2 weeks, we have been in prepare mode. I myself, have thrown my days into working out. One, it distracts me from all that is going on in my brothers life, hey he skates, I'm allowed to train for something too :D and two, it has been allowing me to spread the word around this tiny town about what is going to transpire in the next couple of weeks. I was absolutely shocked at how many people know my brother, read the articles on him in the paper, saw his segment on the Today Show or saw his cute face plastered on the local news stations. It's really been a treat.
I teach fit camp at a local gym, and I'm sure my students are tired of hearing about it, but I brag everyday about him. It's been nice because I have gotten more good lucks and congratulations that I would have ever imagined. Facebook has been the other place to get good luck postings and well wishes. But as we approach the two week mark, I am fascinated as to what my brother is going through and accomplishing. While I miss our stupid texting conversations and musings about how we have no life, I understand that this month and the years to follow are all about him and can't wait to see what is going to unfold in his life. Countdown to Vancouver!!

1 comment:

  1. What a generous big sis you are. Love hearing these little snippets of your life. I will be very Waah! when I'm not there in Vancouver with you guys.

    I think we have more snow in Nashville tonight than you do! Deep wet fluffy stuff, and sticking.
